Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Show Time!!!!

Hey all!!

Well its that time again! That's right its time for another play!!!! Yay!! haha This time around we are doing Cinderella! This cast is amazing and the show will be fantastic!! If you want to buy tickets just comment and let me know or text me on my cell. Below is some information that is very important lol :) Have a great day and I hope to see you there!
November 6th -8th , 2009:
Friday at 7:00pm;
Saturday at 3:00pm & 7:00pm;
Sunday at 2:00pm.
Performances will be held at the Smith Civic Center in downtown Lexington, NC (217 South Main St).
Tickets only $8.00 plus one can of food pre-sale or $10.00 and one can of food at the door.