Monday, September 22, 2008

Pirate Faces At Teach's Hole

What a cheery lassie! Here's Chelsea at a place on Ocracoke called Teach's Hole, the pirate store. We just couldn't resist this pirate cut out of Blackbeard. While Chelsea's is nice I do believe Dad's is the best photo. What do you think?

Monday, September 1, 2008

Kitty Suavo

The latest of feline fashions is scarves. This oh so fashionable kitty is Kyle, the model for Fashionable Felines magazine. The new look is hand woven scarves that are tucked in the collar and made to hang out in front of you. They also work as make-shift napkins,so if you wanna be cool go buy your pet a scarf now, you wouldn't them to be unfashionable now would you?